Walking School Bus/Bike Train
Walking School Bus
Why is it better to walk to school?
- Avoid sitting in the carline and get to work on time/early!
- Kids enjoy play time and exercise with friends before school
- Kids say they don't feel rushed and feel more ready for school
- Kids earn prizes and school recognition for participation
- Proven to help students with focus and alertness
- Fun Fridays with special guest/activities
Walking School Bus will begin in August and will end the last day of school. Students will need to register before walking. The WSB operates every day that school is in session. Drop off is from 7:05-7:12 am at Meyer Park. Children are not to be dropped off before 7:05 am. The WSB begins to “line-up” by 7:10 and takes off promptly at 7:15am. There will be limited space based on student:teacher ratio. For more information please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions, Expectations and Join The Walking School Bus Remind App buttons below.
Scan To Register Today!
What exactly is a Walking School Bus?
- A walking school bus (WSB) is a safe and fun way for children to get physical activity as they walk to school with adult supervision.
- Each “bus” walks along a set route with one or more adults leading it. Children will meet in a designated area each morning to join the walking school bus.
- Students will have opportunities to learn about and practice road safety.
- There is the potential to save money on fuel and reduce car emissions.
- There is the potential to reduce traffic in school zones.
- There is the potential to meet other families and make new friends.
- Participating in the walking school bus is fun!
Thanks to the GSHS cheerleaders and Splash for making waves with us at the walking school bus!
Click the link below to get your child registered to participate in the daily Walking School Bus at GSES and GSMS.
Walking School Bus Registration Form Frequently Asked Questions Expectations
Walking School Bus Remind App (join Ms. Marcum's Remind for communication notifications)
Monthly Bike Train
What exactly is the Monthly Bike Train? Children meet at a designated “bike train stop” one morning a month and ride their bikes to school under the supervision of adult “bike drivers”. In addition to having fun while getting monthly exercise and learning street safety, children arrive to school ready to learn. These “bike rides” cut down on the traffic congestion and poor air quality associated with long car lines.
The Monthly Bike Train is a one day a month activity. The Bike Train is opened for students in grades 2 -5. Students in 2nd grade who would like to ride are required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian to participate and students in grade 3rd through 5th will be able to ride without a parent. Students will need to be registered in order to participate. 3rd through 5th grade students can be dropped off at the Kids Park next to Bodenhamer starting at 7:10am, the morning of the bike train. Parents/guardians are required to accompany 2nd grade students and start arriving at 7:10am. The bike train will leave Bodenhamer at 7:20 to start the trek to GSES.